For the vast majority of you, who haven't been reading along, here's a little of what we've looked at so far:
- The Omnipotence Paradox - Can God create a rock so big that he cannot lift it?
- The Omniscience/Free Will Paradox - If God knows what I will do tomorrow, how can I be free to do otherwise?
- The Logical Problem of Evil - If God is so great, why does He let us do terrible things?
- The Evidential Problem of Evil - If God is so great, why would He let such bad things happen?
- The Argument from Non-Belief - If there is a god, why doesn't He just tell us?
- The Cosmological Argument - Is there a "First Mover"?
- The Argument from Poor Design - If there is intelligent design, why didn't He use a more intelligent design?
- The Argument from Inconsistent Revelations - If there's a God, why would he allow such confusion about Him?
- The Argument from Locality - If scripture is divine, why does it reflect the society it came from?
- The Problem of Hell - Why would a loving God send his children to burn for eternity?
- Free Will in Heaven - Can free will exist in Heaven?
- Dawkins Central Argument - The main argument of The God Delusion.
- The Atheistic Argument from Physical Minds - Thought comes from a physical brain, which God allegedly does not have.
- The Argument from Design - The universe is too improbable to be by chance.
- The Courtier's Reply - Your opinion does not have to be well-informed to be valid.
- Russell's Teapot - The Burden of Proof lies on the theist, not the atheist.
- Religious Experience - Should religious experiences be considered as evidence?
- A logical Proof against Mormonism - Mormon Infinite Regress
- C.S. Lewis on Evil - The universe hurts my feelings, therefore there is no God.
- Creation Science - The Genesis Account is confirmed by science.
- The Ten Plagues of Egypt - Possible chain of events showing plausibility of the Ten Plagues
- Noah's Ark - Could the ark possibly fit all animals?
- The Birth of Jesus - Archaeology resolves Book of Mormon "error".
- Elephants in America - Archaeological/Historical evidence makes us wonder about the extinction date of American elephants.
- Joseph Smith's Gold Plates - Archaeology confirms that gold plates, bound into books, were used for engraving in ancient times.
- Bible Cosmology - How does the Bible describe the universe?
- Mormon's Heavy Metal - Were the gold plates too heavy for Joseph Smith to carry.
- Modest is Hottest - Cambridge study on immodest clothing.
- 2012 and the Mayan Calendar - Archaeology or media hype?
- Wade E. Miller's Pre-Columbian Horses - Interesting potential findings of horses in America.
- Religiosity and Low IQ - Does faith make you stupider?
- Sacred, Not Secret - Why are Mormons so picky about who enters the temple?
- A Bible! A Bible!... - Biblical Inerrancy and the need for modern revelation.
- Pastor Robert Jeffress and the Mormon Cult - If Mormons are a cult, then who isn't?
- Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon - Does the use of chiasmus in the Book of Mormon prove that Joseph Smith was a prophet?
- Mormons and the Wrong Jesus - Mormons aren't Christian because they teach the "wrong Jesus"?
- Today in the City of David... - The Bible says that Jesus was born in Jerusalem when he was born in Bethlehem.
- 10 Things that Christians and Atheists Can (And Must) Agree On - Insightful article from
- Religious Violence - Religion has caused more bloodshed than any other single cause. Really?
- DNA and the Book of Mormon - A Christian double standard.
There's many that were not included here, so look around if you feel so inclined. As always, there's more to come, too, so stop by again!
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